

みなさん、こんにちは。東京の街は秋らしく涼しくなって、だいぶ過ごしやすい季節になったのではないでしょうか? ここロサンゼルスでは、先週は暑い日が続き、38度近くにのぼってましたよ。すごいでしょ? 10月にこんなに暑い日が続くのは珍しいのですが、それはそれで楽しんでいました。

最新ニュース コラム
10月9日、N.Y.で撮影されたレディ・ガガ -(C) Splash/AFLO
10月9日、N.Y.で撮影されたレディ・ガガ -(C) Splash/AFLO
  • 10月9日、N.Y.で撮影されたレディ・ガガ -(C) Splash/AFLO
みなさん、こんにちは。東京の街は秋らしく涼しくなって、だいぶ過ごしやすい季節になったのではないでしょうか? ここロサンゼルスでは、先週は暑い日が続き、38度近くにのぼってましたよ。すごいでしょ? 10月にこんなに暑い日が続くのは珍しいのですが、それはそれで楽しんでいました。

ホットと言えば、映画界でもホットなニュースが届きましたよ。つい先日、待望のシリーズ新作『ダイ・ハード5』の公開日が決まりました! 言わずと知れたブルース・ウィリスの代表作シリーズの新作のタイトルは『A Good Day to Die Hard』に決まり、2013年2月14日より全米公開されます。本作では、ブルースがジョン・マクレーンとして戻ってくるのに加え、マクレーンの息子が登場するそうなのですが、ブルースがまた悪者たちを倒しまくる姿を見れるのが楽しみですね!

一方、こちらも“リトル・モンスター”たち(レディ・ガガのファン)のみなさんにとっては嬉しいニュース? “マザー・モンスター”ことレディ・ガガが先日、近い将来に家族をもつ予定はなく、いまは音楽活動に専念したいと明かしました。あるインタビューで彼女は「私は母性的な人間ではあるけど、妊娠を急いではいません。いつかは母親になるかもしれないけど、それはいまではないわ。ファンがそれを許さないし、私自身その準備ができていない。そうなる前に少なくともあと10枚アルバムを作りたいわ」とコメント。いまは恋愛面で幸せ? と聞かれると、「私はプライベートのことについては話さないんだけど、とても幸せよ」と語ったガガ。ご存知の通り、多忙極まりない彼女こそ幸せになってほしいですよね。



HI everyone,
I know Tokyo has been getting some nice and cool autumn weather. I am sure that, after the hot summer that you guys had, you must be very relieved to have such a nice change of weather! Here in Los Angeles there seems to be a bit of a heat wave going on...last week... almost 100 degrees F!!! Sugoi desho???!! It is actually a bit unusual to have such hot weather in the month of Oct, but I will enjoy it as a much as I can.

NOW..hot off the press...the release date was JUST announced for the LONG AWAITED "Die Hard 5". The latest installment of the classic Bruce Willis franchise will be called "A Good Day to Die Hard" and it will be released in theaters here in the US on February 14, 2013. Star Bruce Willis will be returning as cop John McClane, and it seems that this time the plot will be involving his son. I know there are many of you out there that are DYING to see Bruce Willis kicking the butt of the bad guys on the screen again!!

In other news, I have some very good news for all you little monsters (Lady Gaga fans). Mother Monster (otherwise known to the world as Lady Gaga) has recently announced that she has no plans to start a family for a long time. it is ALL about the music for now.
In a recent interview, she said "I'm a very maternal person, but I'm not feeling the urge to be pregnant. Some day I will, but not now. The fans would kill me. I'm just not ready. I really want to make at least 10 more albums before I do something like that." When asked if she was currently happy in love, the busy superstar replied "You know I don't talk about my private life, but I'm very happy." WOW, that is great news! If anyone out there deserves to have some happiness in between her very busy schedule, it is DEFINITELY Lady Gaga. Don't you agree???

Finally, everyone is wondering how all the Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher drama will pan out. This celebrity couple have A LOT riding on the fact that they are a happy couple together....they have many business ventures that they are currently working on together, and with the latest rumors going around, things are NOT looking good for Ashton. It seems that Demi Moore has finally had enough of her hubby Ashton's unfaithfulness, and is going to be serving him the divorce papers very soon. Meanwhile, Demi Moore's closest friends have been telling the tabloids that Demi's alcohol problem has been taking over her life, and she needs help a.s.a.p. Hmmm....what do you think, readers?
Do you think the sexiest couple in Hollywood can pull it together and make things work?

© Splash/AFLO
《text:Lisle Wilkerson》





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