

みなさん、こんにちは! 先週24日(現地時間)に発表された本年度アカデミー賞のノミネーションを見たり聞いたりしている方も多いかと思います。私も当日はWOWOWでの取材のため、発表会場を訪れていましたが、そこでは様々なサプライズがありました。

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ジョナ・ヒル(左)&メリッサ・マッカーシー -(C)ロイター/AFLO -(C)AP/AFLO
ジョナ・ヒル(左)&メリッサ・マッカーシー -(C)ロイター/AFLO -(C)AP/AFLO
  • ジョナ・ヒル(左)&メリッサ・マッカーシー -(C)ロイター/AFLO -(C)AP/AFLO
  • 『ヒューゴの不思議な発明』 -(C) 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation.  All rights reserved.
みなさん、こんにちは! 先週24日(現地時間)に発表された本年度アカデミー賞のノミネーションを見たり聞いたりしている方も多いかと思います。私も当日はWOWOWでの取材のため、発表会場を訪れていましたが、そこでは様々なサプライズがありました。




日本の映画ファンのみなさんにとっておそらく驚きだったのが、この2人のノミネートではないでしょうか? 助演女優賞にノミネートされたメリッサ・マッカーシー(『Bridesmaids』<原題>/上写真右)と、助演男優賞にノミネートされたジョナ・ヒル(『マネーボール』/上写真左)です。アメリカでは驚きでも何でもない選出なのですが、この2人の昨年の活躍には目を見張るものがありました。『Bridesmaids』は昨年最もヒットした映画の一本であるし、観た人に聞けば全員、メリッサがベストパートを演じていたと言うでしょう。彼女は本作に加えて、アメリカの人気コメディ番組「Mike and Molly」にも出演しており、数々の賞を獲得しています。

一方、ジョナ・ヒルは『スーパーバッド 童貞ウォーズ』('07)を始めとした数々の大作に出演する、いまハリウッドで最もホットな若手コメディアンの一人。彼は最近、大幅な減量に成功したのですが、これでジョージ・クルーニーやブラッド・ピットから主演男優賞を略奪できるかもと冗談を飛ばしているのだとか! とにかく、メリッサとジョナの2人はいま最も勢いに乗る注目スターなので、アカデミーが彼らを選出するのも全く不思議ではないのです。


このほかに関心が集まるのは、男優・女優同士の戦いでしょう。主演男優賞部門では、親愛なるジョージ・クルーニーとブラッド・ピットがバトルを繰り広げますし(個人的には、ジョージが勝つと思いますが)、主演女優賞部門では、一方はハリウッドにおける、一方は政治における歴史的人物を演じた2人の素晴らしい女優が勝負を賭けます。その2人とはご存知の通り、『マーガレット・サッチャー 鉄の女の涙』のメリル・ストリープと『マリリン 7日間の恋』のミシェル・ウィリアムズです。こちらの女優勝負では、私はメリル・ストリープが勝利するのでは、と予想しています。これまで何度も賞レースを制してきたと思われているメリルですが、実際に栄冠を手にしているのは2回のみ。17回もノミネートされているのですが! オスカーを獲得したのは1983年の『ソフィーの選択』以来なのです。

さて、みなさんはこの賞レース、予想の準備はできていますか? 今年は間違いなく混戦になりそうです!

Hey readers! Well, by now, you have probably seen a list or maybe heard some of the nominations that came out on Tuesday, Jan. 24 (US Time).I was at the nominations event to do reports on it for WOWOW, and I must say that there were quite a few surprises.
One of the biggest surprises (and one of the things that EVERYONE was talking about) was the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio was left out of the Best Actors category. Everyone that that FOR SURE he would be nominated for his extraordinary work in the Clint Eastwood film, "J. Edgar".

Another big surprise was that Glenn Close got the nomination for Best Actress (which I was very happy about!!!). Many people were saying that Tilda Swinton or Charlize Theron would probably be in that slot instead.

And probably the biggest surprise of all was the fact that Martin Scorsese's film "Hugo" was the big winner in the nominations, getting ELEVEN nominations altogether!!! "The Artist", which so far has been the big movie to beat at all the awards ceremonies, received 10 nominations.

There were two nominations that are probably a big surprise to Japanese movie fans...Melissa McCarthy for Best Supporting Actress (for her role in "Bridesmaids")and Jonah Hill for Best Supporting Actor (for his role in "Moneyball") . BUT for those of us here in the U.S., it isn't really that big of a surprise at all. These two comedians/actors have had a tremendous year in 2011.
"Bridesmaids" was one of the biggest and best selling movies in 2011, and if you ask ANYONE, Melissa McCarthy was the best part of the film. She also stars in one of the most popular tv shows here in the U.S., "Mike and Molly", and has been winning awards for her starring role in that as well.

Jonah Hill has been a big part of many big films such as "Superbad", and is currently one of the hottest young male comedians/actors in Hollywood. He also lost ALOT of weight, and has recently been jokingly telling the press that he is now ready to take the leading man roles away from George Clooney and Brad Pitt!!
None the less, Melissa McCarthy and Jonah Hill are two bright rising stars, so it is no surprise that the Academy has decided to recognize them both with a nomination for their work.

Now some very interesting trends in this year's nominees....
the two films that will probably be battling it out for "Best Picture" are BOTH homages to making movies. "Hugo", which is directed by veteran American director Martin Scorsese, pays homage to French films. And "The Artist", which is directed by a young French director, Michel Hazanavicius, pays tribute to American movies.
This year in the "Best Picture" category, there also seems to be a bit of a theme...France/Paris. First of all you have "Hugo" and "The Artist", and you also have Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" and Steven Spielberg's "War Horse", which both take place in France (just part of "War Horse" does).

Another interesting thing about the nominees is that this year BFFs (Best Friends) George Clooney and Brad Pitt are competing against each other for "Best Actor"(In my opinion, George Clooney will win this award).
And in Best Actress you have two incredible actresses who are nominated for "Best Actress" for playing historical icons, one a Hollywood icon, and the other an icon in politics.Of course I am talking about Meryl Streep for her role in "The Iron Woman", and Michelle Williams for her role in "My Week with Marilyn". For this category, I have a feeling that Meryl Streep will win. Many people think that Meryl has won many times, but in actuality she has only won TWICE. Even though she has been nominated 17 times!!! And the last time she won an Oscar was in 1983 for her role in "Sophie's Choice".

So readers, have you already started predicting who YOU think will win? I must say that this year it is VERY hard to predict!!!

© ロイター/AFLO
《text:Lisle Wilkerson》





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